Welcome to Ravishing (AF)

Hi everyone! And welcome to my new blog RavishingAF!

I searched for a long time for the right name to get started and “ravishing” is just perfect.

Ravishing – (adjective) extremely beautiful or attractive; enchanting; entrancing.

Isn’t that what all of us want to achieve by using makeup? To take someone’s breath away and look stunning?  I apologize (or maybe not) for the AF 😉

This name allowed me to unify the blog, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook under the same name. Yup, that’s right!

So with that all accomplished, let’s start blogging. This blog will focus on make up, some product reviews, tutorials, and make up hacks. But also on skin care in general, because without clean and beautiful skin even the best make up can fail. In addition, I may sizzle in some of my adventures and life style tips. I am looking forward to have you as readers and hope to hear from you in the comments as well 🙂

❤️ Ashley